Sunday, March 27, 2011


Im Jealous of Robert Bly. Im Jealous of his poem "The Moon." This poem is very short but a very strong meaning. Poets can make there poems so simple but yet so deep. Their poems are famous for just expressing what they feel and putting emotion into a few lines that are put together to create something so powerful. My favorite poems are poems that are short and sweet, that make sense, that rhyme, that arent too hard to understand but you have to put a little effort to uncover what it means. 

Friday, March 18, 2011


Im tired.

Im tired of school.
Im tired of waking up so early, of pushing the snooze on my alarm.
Im tired of homework.
Im tired of attendance school, of having to go for tardys when im only 2 minutes late.
Im tired of the cold weather.
Im tired of trying to decide which college to go to.
I tired of forgetting things.
Im tired of getting ready everyday.
Im tired of drama with my friends.
Im tired of teachers not fxing my grade.
Im tired of filling up my car with gas. 
Im tired of not having a job.
Im tired cleaning my room everyday.
Im tired of being tired. 

Love Is...

Love is helping someone in need.
Love is listening to yout best friend for hours after she just got dumped.
Love is finding something that was once losr.
Love is the feeling after your first kiss.
Love is playing in the rain.
Love is drinking a cup of hot chocolate in the winter time.
Love is sharing your candy bar when you didnt want to share.
Love is giving up something you dont want to give you.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I think. I think a lot. Does it make sense? Yes to me, but if you asked me to tell you what im thinking about i couldnt put it in to words. Thoughts rush through my head all day about everything, what im doing, what im going to do, what just happened, what i should've done and how i could've made it better. I get caught up and start dreaming. I lose my mind and have a hard time trying to get it back and focusing. Once i come back to reality i'm completely lost. My train of thought has been somewhere else. I start to think about where its been and start to relive memories. My minds lost again. What will i do tonight, when am i going to do my homework, whats for dinner, when am i going to watch my favorite show, so many things rush to my head. Again. Where am i? How long have i been here? Its time to focus...